Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association

Sign up for WIOMSA Membership


WIOMSA remains a leader in advancing science, policy and action for transformational stewardship and the long-term development of the WIO coastal and marine environment.
Our mission is to promote the educational, scientific and technological development of all aspects of marine science in the Western Indian Ocean.
A Western Indian Ocean region that is thriving, sustainable and equitable, supported by scientific knowledge, effective policies and strong institutions.

Our Strategic Goals

Promoting  high-quality coastal and marine research that supports effective decision-making, management and sustainable development
Promoting integration of science into policy development and practice at the regional and national level
Developing the capacity of ocean stewards
Strengthening and enhancing WIOMSA sustainability

Our Values

Inclusivity and Diversity

We promote access to science and its benefits for all; include diverse perspectives & approaches; and improve the participation of women and early career scientists in regional science.

Transparency and integrity

Our decision-making processes are open and transparent. We set the highest standards of personal integrity for those who act on WIOMSA’s behalf.

Innovation and Sustainability

We strive to identify, attract and learn from new talent and new ideas which stimulate new approaches and bring forth new solutions. We have embedded principles of sustainability in all our policies and practices


  • Mizingani Street, House No. 734, Zanzibar
  • + 255 24 2233472/2234597
  • secretary@wiomsa.org