Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association

Sign up for WIOMSA Membership


WIOMSA is proud of the career achievements of its members and the outstanding contributions they make to marine and coastal conservation. We honour these achievements through an official awards program.
The awards program recognizes individual researchers and practitioners for their track record of achievements; inspires outstanding and emerging scientists and practitioners; and cultivates healthy competition for quality and excellence in the region. Celebrate these individuals with us!

The Honorary Membership Award is the highest award WIOMSA confers in recognition of exemplary, outstanding and distinguished contribution towards the development of coastal and marine science in the Western Indian Ocean. Honorary Membership is awarded to individuals who have rendered notable service to the development of marine science in the WIO region.

The Fellow Membership Award is awarded biennially to scientists (natural and social scientists) by the Association in recognition of outstanding work or significant contribution to coastal and marine science research in the region.
See past winners

This is the first award scheme to recognise emerging scientists working on coastal and marine issues in the WIO region. The award promotes excellence and recognizes outstanding contributions made by emerging scientists in coastal and marine science research; highlighting the scientific work and talents of emerging scientists and enhances the visibility of their work.
See past Winners

The award recognizes excellent service provided to WIOMSA. It is presented to individuals who have demonstrated extraordinary leadership or offered outstanding service to WIOMSA; thereby promoting the development of the Association. The award is intended for individuals who have either been instrumental to the foundation of WIOMSA or who have contributed to furthering the ideals of WIOMSA or those who have contributed to the development of the various programmes of the Association. 

Honorary memberships awarded
Emerging Scientist award winners
WIOMSA Presidential awardees
WIOMSA fellows


  • Mizingani Street, House No. 734, Zanzibar
  • + 255 24 2233472/2234597
  • secretary@wiomsa.org