Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association

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Enhancing capacity for ocean governance

Capacity building for ocean management practitioners is an essential pillar to supporting dedicated ocean sustainable development goals. For over 30 years, WIOMSA has been assisting coastal and marine practitioners in realizing their full potential through a broad range of novel, adaptable and need-based capacity development initiatives.
Our Capacity development initiatives

The Western Indian Ocean Certification of Marine Protected Area Professionals (WIO-COMPAS) Programme is a certification programme that evaluates MPA practitioners and ensures that they meet the highest standards in the MPA management speciality. WIO-COMPAS is a joint initiative of WIOMSA and the Coastal Resources Center  at the University of Rhode Island.

A rapidly changing marine environment requires ongoing training and competence development. WIOMSA and partners host many stimulating and inclusive marine science and management training courses and workshops for knowledge transfer, learning and mobilization

Certified MPA Professionals
Trainings & workshops organized by WIOMSA & Partners


  • Mizingani Street, House No. 734, Zanzibar
  • + 255 24 2233472/2234597
  • secretary@wiomsa.org