This publication is designed as a resource book that summarizes the wealth of information available from research conducted in the Bay. The publication is about the biology, ecology, physical and geological features as well as natural resources and management of Chwaka bay. It also deals with how people living in the surrounding villages interact with their environment on a daily basis to make their living. It highlights current challenges facing the Bay and its people, threats and research gaps. The contents of this volume are divided into the major themes of natural systems, including biology and ecology, interlinkages, human-related activities, and wider social issues relevant for management.
The publication has been broken down as below. Please click to download specific sections of the publication.
3. The Coastal Vegetation of Chwaka Bay. I. Sware Semesi
4. The Mangrove Ecosystem of Chwaka Bay. Charles Lugomela
6. Coral Reefs in Chwaka Bay and Adjacent Areas. Christopher A. Muhando and Mohammed S. Mohammed
7. The Microalgae and Cyanobacteria of Chwaka Bay. Thomas J. Lyimo
11. Artisanal Fisheries and other Marine Resources in Chwaka Bay. Narriman S. Jiddawi
Annotated Bibliography for Chwaka Bay. Sieglind Wallner and I. Sware Semesi