Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association

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Realising A Blue Urban agenda for coastal cities in Kenya through sustainable production and consumption policy and governance. 

A. Basic Facts

Sites: Mombasa, Lamu, Kilifi, Tana river and Taita Taveta counties

   i. Project Partners
   ii. Project Duration 2021-2022
   iii. Project Site(s)
   iv. Project Country Kenya
   v. Budget
B. Project Objectives

a)  Identify the regulatory and governance gaps in the existing global, regional, national and sub-national policy framework on SCP in relation to the development and implementation of the Blue Urban Agenda;
b)  Investigate how to integrate SCP policies into coastal cities and urban areas’ development plans, urban planning, legislation, regulatory frameworks, investments and policy decisions in the JKP region;
c)  Present good practice examples of efforts and initiatives of coastal cities that are making tangible contributions towards implementing SCP; and
d)  Provide policy options and recommendations for developing and implementing the Blue Urban Agenda in the JKP region.

C. Expected Results
D. Project Activities

i)A review of international, regional and national policy framework on SCP policies and their shortcomings, if any, that hamper the implementation of the Blue Urban Agenda.
ii)  An analysis of multi-level policy and governance highlighting on the roles of the different levels of government, and stakeholders in the development of the Blue Urban Agenda.
iii)  An analysis of how to integrate SCP into urban planning, investments, and policy decisions, to support the development and implementation of the Blue Urban Agenda in Kenya.
iv)  Good practice examples of efforts and initiatives of coastal cities that are making tangible contributions towards implementing SCP.
v)  Policy options and recommendations for developing and implementing the Blue Urban Agenda.

E. Publications
F. Students Supported by the Project
G. For more information, either visit or contact:

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