Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association

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Vote for the video of our project Making waves / Sea PoWer

You are all requested to vote for the video of project, “Sea PoWer” http://bit.ly/2rEbv3O and support women seaweed farmers in Zanzibar! “Sea PoWer” is a small project run by five women scientists from Tanzania, Kenya and France. Last year we won an award from the Australian Government as part of their Blue Economy Challenge to develop a new way of farming seaweed and empower the women seaweed farmers of Zanzibar. This short film about the project and has been entered it into the Women in Seafood video competition, which will run alongside the World Seafood Congress next September in Iceland. Help them promote their work with women seaweed farmers and win a trip for one of us to attend the conference! Like the and spread the word! #womeninseafood #SeaPoWer

PS – best viewed in Chrome.

PS 2- voting until the 12th of June only.


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