Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association

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Mariculture in the WIO region – Challenges and Prospects. WIOMSA Book Series No 11

Mariculture in the WIO region – Challenges and Prospects. WIOMSA Book Series No 11

The IFS/WIOMSA aquaculture workshop/training course was held 30 November-3 December 2009 in Zanzibar. The 30 participants originated from 17 countries, including countries within the WIO region, and from Europe, USA, New Zealand, The Philippines and Brazil. The general aims for the meeting were to discuss ongoing mariculture activities in the region from a sustainability perspective, to identify research priorities, and capacity building, i.e. knowledge sharing and to strengthen research links between researchers working with aquaculture and coastal zone management. The workshop contained group discussions as well as a number of shorter presentations on key issues. Short field visits to nearby aquaculture operations, including discussions with farmers, enabled participants to visualize some of the key issues facing aquaculture development in the WIO. The presentations given at the workshop can be accessed at a web site: www.wiomsa.org

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