Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association

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Enhancing Science-to-Policy Uptake in the Western Indian Ocean Region. Background Document and Guidelines on Effective Science to Policy Interaction

Enhancing Science-to-Policy Uptake in the Western Indian Ocean Region. Background Document and Guidelines on Effective Science to Policy Interaction

The report provides an overview of current thinking on the science-to-policy interface, including a brief overview of relevant theory and a discussion of the policy cycle as a key framing concept to inform science-to-policy engagement. The report includes nine case studies from the Western Indian Ocean region and six international case studies, which seek to illustrate how principles of effective science-to-policy uptake have played out in real-world experiences. Key insights from the literature on the science-to-policy interface are presented, with a focus on pragmatic, accessible examples, which are used to develop a set of guidelines on effective science to policy interactions.

This report was commissioned by WIOMSA as part of the MeerWissen: African-German Partners for Ocean Knowledge programme – a programme funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented with support from the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).

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