A. Basic Facts
i. Project Partners |
ii. Project Duration | 2018-2021 |
iii. Project Site(s) | |
iv. Project Country | Kenya, Mozambique, South Africa, and Tanzania |
v. Budget | USD 330 000 |
B. Project Objectives | The goal of the proposed project is to describe genetic diversity, population structure and connectivity of two commercially important small tuna species, Kawakawa and Skipjack, across the participating countries and relate this to key economic, biological and environmental information to inform management and development of this sector. Key objectives of the project would be to: 1. Determine genome-wide genetic diversity within populations of Kawakawa and Skipjack tunas within this part of the WIO region, and so define biological population (stock) structuring and levels of connectivity (effective migration / gene flow) across the region; |
C. Expected Results |
D. Project Activities |
E. Publications | |
F. Students Supported by the Project | Ms Fatuma Mzingirwa (PhD student) |
G. For more information, either visit or contact: | Prof Warwick Sauer, email: w.sauer@ru.ac.za |