The latest issue of the WIOMSA Newsbrief is out. The Newsbrief highlights the 8th Conference of Parties of the Nairobi Convention which WIOMSA co-organized. The articles covered in the Newsbrief are:
- Seizing the Blue Economy Approach in the Western Indian Ocean Region: the Eighth Conference of Parties of the Nairobi Convention held in the Seychelles
- Preparatory workshops for COP8 in Seychelles
- Inaugural State of the Coast Report for the Western Indian Ocean Region Launched
- The MASMA Program Committee approves two Capacity Building Workshop Proposals for funding
Marine Research Grants awarded to WIO Scientists - The first workshop on Capacity building for Impact, held in Zanzibar
- The University of Dar es Salaam Research Week Strategy Leads to a Win the Dar es Salaam International Trade Fair
- New Publications
- Course Announcement: Regional Training workshop on larval fish identification and early life history science
Download the full issue.