Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association

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C&C Grantees Meetings

Photo Credit: Henriques Balidy

Annual Grantees’ meetings, where research project participants are required to attend and present scientific results of their work, is a key component of the Cities and Coasts Project. These meetings are essential to both the grantees and the Programme Committee to determine the progress made towards achieving planned objectives and results. They provide an opportunity for timely intervention to assist any project in problem and for the grantees to actively interact with their peers, i.e. the members of the Programme Committee and fellow grantees. The specific objectives of these are:

  • Provide an opportunity for grantees to present the results of their work to a wider audience;
  • Review and evaluate the performance of the approved projects based on the scientific results generated so far against the research objectives of the projects;
  • Provide comments/feedback to the grantees on how the design or implementation of the approved projects could be improved to achieve the desired outcomes;
  • Provide an opportunity for the grantees to build networking amongst themselves and with the experts present as well as with the members of the Programme Committee.


Book of Abstracts