Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association

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WIOMSA Annual Report in a new Vibrant Look!

We are delighted to announce the release of the WIOMSA Annual Report for 2016.  The new look Annual report features WIOMSA’s vibrant new logo and showcases the Association’s new corporate brand colours.

The 78-page annual report takes an in-depth look back at WIOMSA’s past year and provides an overview of each of the Association’s programme activities. A special highlight of the report is the findings and recommendations of the external evaluation of WIOMSA that was conducted in 2016. Details captured in both the evaluation report and in this annual report reveal a strong performance of the MASMA program that has propelled forward efforts to deliver value to the WIO region through programs and services. The report outlines the work that WIOMSA and partners are doing in Marine Protected Area Management in the Western Indian Ocean, the valuable partnerships that were fostered during the year and WIOMSA’s role in strengthening research capacity. The report also summaries key regional events that the Association supported in 2016

Download the full issue.



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