Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association

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Western Indian Ocean Regional Training workshop on ‘Introduction to R Programming’

Macquarie University in collaboration with the Wildlife Conservation Society are organizing a Regional Training Course on Introduction R programming, that will be held in Dar es Salaam, Republic of Tanzania from 27-29 October 2017. Applications are invited from the qualified applicants from all the countries in the Western Indian Ocean (WIO) region.

The ‘Introduction to R Programming’ training workshop is a hands-on three-day event that will cover the core skills to help the attendees climb the steep learning curve by teaching them how to use R programming to explore data from a variety of sources and by building inferential models and generating publication quality charts, graphs, and other data representations. The 3-day training course will be for newcomers to R and will be aimed at postgraduate students and early career researchers from the WIO region.

How to apply

If you would like to apply for this course, please fill out the application form and together with your CV, e-mail them to secretary@wiomsa.org and copy to jmaina@wcs.org. The application deadline is 30th June 2017. However, we encourage you to submit your application as soon as possible because we will be making some selection decisions early, well before the deadline.

Download the full announcement.

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