Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association

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The overall objective of this project is to strengthen responses to land-based pollution of the marine environment and address related issues of concern identified by governments. This also includes strengthening of co-operation around the prevention of land-based pollution by fostering action targeting the sources of marine litter, nutrients and wastewater pollution.

Activities to be carried out by the project:

  1. Undertake a review and compilation of legislation and policies on marine litter in national and regional levels in Africa taking into account any work carried out under the Nairobi, Abidjan, Barcelona and Jeddah Conventions, the Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR), as well as under the African Union Commission and regional economic communities;
  2. Develop marine litter regional framework/guidelines for the development of legislation in Africa;
  3. Organize a two-day regional consultative meeting and a one-day validation workshop (virtual and/or face to face) on the review of the draft guidelines for the development of legislation and policies on marine litter in Africa with member States and stakeholders