The Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association (WIOMSA), through its Marine and Coastal Science for Management (MASMA) programme provided funding for a project to analyse data and publish / disseminate results emanating from four deep-water crustacean trawl surveys undertaken in 2011 and 2012 by the South West Indian Ocean Fisheries Project (SWIOFP).
The aims of the workshop were to:
a)Maintain and strengthen collaborative research networks established in the region under SWIOFP and other projects;
b)Develop scientific capacity building through advanced analyses of combined databases, using state-of-the-art analyses software and techniques;
c)Improve scientific writing skills through drafting publications for the peer-reviewed literature;
d)Disseminate information important to fisheries, environmental management, and biodiversity conservation, through a synthesis of results and a firm recommendation to a RFMO (the South West Indian Ocean Fisheries Commission, SWIOFC);
e)Produce 2 peer-reviewed publications in international journals;
f)Produce a workshop report, which describes the process from data analysis to publication of papers, results of the workshop (including an evaluation by participants in terms of the content, quality, quantity delivery and organization of the workshop).