Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association

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WIOMSA Newsbrief September 2023

WIOMSA Newsbrief September 2023

We are pleased to share with you the latest edition of the WIOMSA Newsbrief which will keep you informed about WIOMSA’s activities for the July- September 2023 quarter.

Together with the Blue Nature Alliance, we organized a training on sustainable marine protected area (MPA) financing that we hope will spur MPAs in the Western Indian Ocean region to start thinking “business” to be able to finance all the staff and professional development necessary to effectively meet global ocean conservation targets.

We held a Science- Policy dialogue with the African Union Commission, and other partners,  to improve blue economy policy development in Africa by integrating Earth Observation and understanding planetary boundaries. This dialogue focused on developing key elements of a common African position on ocean science ahead of the 2024 United Nations Ocean Science Conference and developing guidelines and capacity measures to support the integration of earth observation science and the ocean–climate nexus in AUC’s  blue economy and climate strategies.

The Newsbrief also shares highlights from recently published papers with exciting findings on gender inequality and loggerhead turtles and marine plastic pollution. In our regional news section, we feature stories on new fish taxa and geographical records in Mozambique and the launch of the African Women and Gender Constituency at the African Climate Change Summit.

Download the Newsbrief to read these stories and more.

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