Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association

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The Shark Fin Soup

The Shark Fin Soup

The “Shark fin soup” is a project that the Seychellois artist, Peter Lalande, had in mind for a long time. He wanted to tell a story about a cruel practice which deeply shocked him. The project became a reality following a meeting with a group of fishermen from FBOA who were conscious that such practice is not only devastating but also detrimental to the environment they depend upon. Henceforth with the help of the fishermen (FBOA), the IOC-SmartFish programme and FAO, Seychelles Fishing Authority and Green Island Foundation; Peter has worked hard to tell this extraordinary adventure through a didactic comic book.

This Comic is about sharks and points out the various threats they are facing. It aims at raising awareness about the dangers the sharks are facing nowadays. Peter Lalande is a trained historian, who turned into a comic artist. He was born in Victoria, Seychelles in 1974. He is a comic enthusiast, and he lives his dreams and passion isolated in the heavenly archipelago of 91,000 souls. He is the author of several comic books, illustrations and painting distributed in the Seychelles, namely ZAK, ZAK 1 and 2, Little B. He has become over the years a local star. Besides, most of his works are based on what life was like before (“la lavi lontan”). His paintings and “jazz” figures highlight the culture and heritage of Seychelles and are, mostly, “lavi lontan”. Peter is very sensitive to the beats of the heart of Seychelles islands and it carries strong messages which allow men and environment to co-exist in perfect harmony.

The FBOA (Fishing Boat Owners Association) is an association created in 2003 to defend and promote the small scale fishermen of Seychelles. Its members are fishermen and boat owners operating in Seychelles waters, providing fresh fish to the inhabitants of the archipelago. The association is one of the oldest organizations representing and protecting the interests of artisanal fishermen. Its philosophy is to defend and promote the small scale and domestic fishing sector and promote the role of fishers in sustainable resources use and conservation.

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