Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association

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Tanzania Biodiversity Threats Assessment: Biodiversity Threats and Management Opportunities for Fumba, Bagamoyo, and Mkuranga

Tanzania Biodiversity Threats Assessment: Biodiversity Threats and Management Opportunities for Fumba, Bagamoyo, and Mkuranga

The Sustainable Coastal Communities and Ecosystems (SUCCESS) Program falls under the Congressional biodiversity earmark, where it fits under the secondary code. These are programs and activities – site based or not – that have biodiversity conservation as an explicit, but not primary objective. One criterion for such programs is that their activities must be defined based on an analysis of threats to biodiversity. This report aims to assess the biodiversity threats in the land-seascapes where SUCCESS operates.

The purpose is to understand the major direct threats to biodiversity as well as the context and root causes of the threats. The assessment also evaluates current activities and help prioritize and anticipate what threats might become more severe in the future. The threats assessment is based on a literature review of articles and secondary data sources, focus group discussions, and key informant interviews, conducted in each field sites.

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