Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association

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Marine Plastic Litter in the WIO Region: Status, implications on the environment, human populations and effectiveness of measures and opportunities. A Synthesis Report

Marine Plastic Litter in the WIO Region: Status, implications on the environment, human populations and effectiveness of measures and opportunities. A Synthesis Report

In 2020, the Nairobi Convention and WIOMSA through the Group of Experts on Marine Litter and Microplastics commissioned three inter-related regional assessments on the status of marine litter and microplastics; the resultant ecological, human health and economic impacts; and measures undertaken by different institutions to address the challenges and highlight opportunities which can be harnessed for greater impact.

Marine plastic litter in the WIO region: Status, implications on the environment, human populations and effectiveness of measures and opportunities. A synthesis report  presents a synthesis highlighting the main results and evidence gaps from the previous reports and make recommendations on management and policy actions to be taken at national and regional levels.

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