Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association

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Local and community Integrated Coastal Zone Management – Experiences from Eastern Africa March, 1998

Local and community Integrated Coastal Zone Management – Experiences from Eastern Africa March, 1998

The Regional Workshop on Experiences in Local and Community Intergrated Coastal Zone Management: Lessons to date organized by SEACAM and WIOMSA and held in Zanzibar, 4-7 March, 1998 is therefore timely and necessary. This workshop which brought together ICZM practitioners has to be considered as a process providing the link between policy makers and stakeholders. This first workshop has drawn a number of lessons that are critical for the successful implementation of coastal management in the Region. To mention a few:
* Large projects, especially those that cover large geographic areas, have less chance of being successful. Start small and build from successful approaches.
* The use and dissemination of scientific information, including traditional knowledge, is critical for the implementation of ICZM programs and projects. A communication strategy must be developed at the beginning of the project and maintained throughout the policy cycle.
* The formulation of ICZM programs must be within the political realities of the area. Economic valuation of ICZM benefits and early implementation, targetting poverty alleviation, provides buy-in by stakeholders and political support.

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