Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association

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Course Report – Communicating The Findings Of Research To Policy Makers In The Western Indian Ocean Region. 04 – 08 April 2016

Course Report – Communicating The Findings Of Research To Policy Makers In The Western Indian Ocean Region. 04 – 08 April 2016

It is expected that the training course will facilitate adaptive governance of marine resources which include among others, the development of policies based on well proven scientific results. This can be achieved if effective communication mechanisms between science and policy are set in place.
The purpose of this workshop was to train participants on the different ways of communicating the key research outputs that are of relevance to policy makers. The training will impart communications expertise to benefit scientists from the WIO region so that they can be able to communicate easily with policy makers. The goal was to impart strategic planning and communication skills that would enable participants to increase the use of research results for the improvement of policies and programs for socio-economic development. The specific objectives of the workshop were as follows:
i.Identifying policy audiences
ii.Preparing policy briefs and factsheets
iii.Preparing various types of written communication for the news media
iv. Preparing policy presentations

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