A Field Guide to the Seashores of Eastern Africa and the Western Indian Ocean Islands Third Edition – is completely revised. Packed with 1,650 species of plants and animals from all coastal habitats, 155 pages of stunning watercolour illustrations and hundreds of detailed line drawings, this riveting guide is an invaluable source of information for enthusiasts to identify the marine life common to this region. Thoroughly researched by 53 regional and international experts, this in-depth and comprehensive guide gives precise descriptions of species and their habitats, together with an authoritative summary of the knowledge of each taxonomic group. Other new features include a revised description of the WIO coastal zone, 70 species with new names, an up to date expanded Bibliography with over 1,600 references including 250 new ones, new sections on oil and gas exploration in the coastal zone, marine alien invasive species and piracy that replace the previous section on remote sensing using satellite imagery. The coastal dangers and treatment section has been completely updated and expanded, highlighting changes in treatment to malaria and descriptions of Chikungunya and Dengue.