Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association

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Dr Gildas Todinanahary

Dr Gildas Todinanahary


Gildas Todinanahary  is a senior lecturer at the University of Toliara’s Fishery and Marine
Science Institute (IH.SM) in the Republic of Madagascar.

Dr Todinanahary works for research, education and conservation of coral reefs, trying to find the best compensatory solutions to anthropogenic pressures on critical marine ecosystems with consideration of the impacts of climate change.

He is the Head of the Fishery and Marine Science Training department, and Head of the Coral Reef Research, Education and Conservation Team (CoRRECT); positions he has held since September 2022.

Gildas  joined the IH.SM in 2004 to begin his course in Marine and Coastal Sciences. After defending his Master’s thesis in 2010, he worked as a temporary research assistant within the Institute, before being selected to be a PhD student within the framework of the PIC – ARES-CCD project.

Since his doctoral research between 2012 and 2016, he has worked on coral farming and bio-ecology of corals within the “Polyaquaculture Research Unit” (PRU). His doctoral thesis entitled “Assessment of the biological, economic and social potential of community-based coral farming in the south-west of Madagascar”, was awarded the HERA Doctoral thesis Award in 2017.