Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association

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Mission and Objectives
In order to address many of the gender equality issues facing women marine scientists in the WIO, better networking amongst them is critical not only it will help to bring them together to discuss issues of common interest and identify priority issues for action but also will provide a platform for them to plan their activities and speak with one voice on issues of their concerns.


The WIOMSA Gender strategy (Policy statement 5) further outlines how the association will avail the knowledge and skills necessary to implement and mainstream gender into its operations. The Policy statement which highlights gender mainstreaming as a core part of WIOMSA is elaborated in several strategies including the following that would be of relevance to a network for women in marine sciences:


  • Organise training workshops on the integration of sex and/or gender dimension within research for people involved in decision-making processes (i.e. peer-reviewers, evaluators and WIOMSA staff involved in the drafting and the implementation of WIOMSA funding calls).

  • Organise sessions for researchers on identifying and addressing the sex and/or gender dimension in the development of research proposals during WIOMSA conferences/ symposiums.

  • Ensure that WIOMSA’s communications and publications are gender-sensitive.

Thus the establishment of a network for women in marine sciences associated with WIOMSA would complement and support the Association’s initiatives whilst furthering its own mission and vision as an autonomous professional network.