Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association

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José Paula appointed Acting Chief Editor of WIOJMS

The WIOMSA Board of Trustees has appointed Prof. José Paula of the University of Lisbon as the Acting Chief Editor of the Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science (WIOJMS). He takes over from Prof Michael Schleyer, who has been – the Chief Editor since 2010. José has authored over 100 scientific papers in referred international journals and recently edited two important publications, the Regional State of the Coast Report for the Western Indian Ocean Region and the Maputo Bay Ecosystem book. Over the years, he has coordinated a number of research projects in the WIO region and he is a visiting Professor at the University of Eduardo Mondlane, Mozambique. He has supervised a number of students from Tanzania, Kenya, Mozambique and South Africa.

José brings with him quite extensive experience in his areas of expertise: coastal and marine ecology and biodiversity, marine conservation, with a strong interest in the tropical and subtropical environments of WIO region. He also brings to the position a wealth of knowledge in publication in peer-reviewed journals. The WIOMSA Board of Trustees and the Secretariat wishes Prof. Paula all the best of luck in his new position.

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