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Global Monitoring for Environment and Security in Africa – GMES & Africa: Open Call for Proposals

The African Union Commission invites proposals from interested and eligible African institutions for the implementation of the GMES & Africa Support Programme with the following specific objectives:

  • Consolidating, extending and developing applications for the Water and Natural Resources and the Marine & Coastal Areas Services to adequately provide information to policymakers, scientists, businesses and the public on real time basis,
  • Strengthening regional and national capacities to generate and apply EO-based and in-situ information for Water and Natural Resources and the Marine & Coastal Areas Services,
  • Raising public awareness on the critical role of Earth Observation in sustainable development; and
  • Developing a framework for promoting intra-African collaboration and open access to data for Water and Natural Resources and the Marine & Coastal Areas Services. 

The full Guidelines for Applicants, Application form and other supporting documents are available for downloading from  www.au.int/gmesafrica/2017call

The deadline for submission of proposals is Monday, August, 21  2017 at 17:00 hours, Addis Ababa time (GMT + 3).

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