Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association

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Migrant fishers and fishing in the Western Indian Ocean: Socio-economic dynamics and implications for management

Lead Institution: Coastal Oceans Research & Development in the Indian Ocean (CORDIO)
Project Country:
Investigators: Innocent Wanyonyi
Project Summary:

This research was to addresses the social, cultural and economic issues related to migrant fishing in the Western Indian Ocean Region (WIO). It sought to understand the problems associated with migrant fishing and recommend appropriate solutions. The research was be conducted in five countries namely Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique, Madagascar and Comoros. In-depth case studies on the causes and effects of fisher migrations were conducted in Kenya, Tanzania and Mozambique.
A thorough literature review was done to gather secondary data on migrant fishing and fisheries management and a combination of techniques was used to collect primary data.

What were the problems the project intended to address?:

This project sought to expand current knowledge on the various groups engaged in migrant fishing operations over differing spatial and temporal scales in the WIO region. It identified the main drivers behind migration of fishers and comparison of how they may differ temporally, and across fisheries, countries and/or cultural groups.

Project Objectives:

The objectives of the research included identifying the factors that drive fishers to migrate from their home grounds, establishing the migratory patterns followed by different fisher groups and the factors influencing the choice of fishing areas by migrant fishers, assessing the impact of the migrant fishers on resident communities, determining the social and economic issues facing migrant fishers.

Study Sites:

Crona ,B. Rosendo S. Outside the law: Analyzing policy gaps in addressing fishers’ migration in
East Africa. Marine Policy 35 (2011)379–388.

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