Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association

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CALL FOR CONCEPTS – German-African Partners for Ocean Knowledge

The Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) is seeking to facilitate partnerships between German and African research institutes, political decision-makers and practitioners with the Initiative ‘MeerWissen – German-African Partners for Ocean Knowledge’. The main objective is to build bridges between German and African marine researchers and African decision-makers, improving the conditions for knowledge-based policy-making. The initiative will contribute to a solid and trusted knowledge base, which supports decision-makers in African partner countries to agree and implement effective actions for the conservation and sustainable use of marine and coastal biodiversity.

Please find the open Call for Concepts to support a partnership project. As part of the first round of funding, one can apply by submitting a concept using the attached form (maximum 6 pages plus attachments) by July 31 2018. Download also the Confirmation of Cooperation form.

If you have any further questions regarding the call for concepts or the Initiative “MeerWissen”, please contact: Rebecca Lahl at  rebecca.lahl@giz.de

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