Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association

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Call for Applications for NRF Freestanding, Innovation and Scarce Skills Postdoctoral Fellowships for 2017

The National Research Foundation (NRF) in partnership with the Department of Science and Technology (DST) and the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) are pleased to announce the call for scholarship applications for 2017 in the following categories:

DST- NRF- Free-standing Postdoctoral Fellowships (local and abroad);

DST- NRF- Innovation Postdoctoral Fellowships; and

DST- NRF- DHET – Scarce Skills Development Fund: Postdoctoral Fellowships

Successful applicants must undertake full-time Postdoctoral research.  The Fellowships cannot be held concurrently with any salaried full-time employment.

The application deadline is Monday, 13 June 2016.  Applicants must apply on the NRF Online system at: https://nrfsubmission.nrf.ac.za.

For all information pertaining to this Call, please refer to the attached Frameworks for each of the three funding instruments as well as the Application and Funding Guide

 Please Note:

Designated Authorities (DAs) at the Research Offices of the different Institutions have until Monday, 27 June 2016 to validate the applications.  Institutions must set their own internal closing dates, so as to enable internal validation by institutional DAs prior to submission to the NRF.

Should you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact an NRF contact person listed below:

  • Ms Nompumelelo Thwala – Professional Officer: Human and Infrastructure Capacity Development (HICD). Telephone: 012 481 4232. E-mail: nompumelelo.thwala@nrf.ac.za
  • Ms Melissa Govender – Professional Officer: Grants Management and Systems Administration (GMSA) Telephone: 012 481 4311.  E-mail:  melissa.govender@nrf.ac.za


Kindly advertise these funding calls and disseminate the call information throughout your institution.

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