Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association

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Key WIOMSA Milestones

Here is a snapshot of some key milestones across WIOMSA’s 30 year organizational history.

  • 2021,

    2021, July - Launch of the Western Indian Ocean Marine Protected Area Outlook

    The MPA Outlook, from the Nairobi Convention and the Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association, documents progress made by countries in the region towards the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 14.5and provides lessons and opportunities to increase momentum for achieving post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework targets

  • 2020,

    2020, February - WIOMSA appoints a new Executive Secretary

    The WIOMSA Board of Trustees appoints Arthur Tuda as the new Executive Secretary effective 1st February 2020. Arthur took over the wheels of WIOMSA as part of the succession plan of the Association.

  • 2019,

    2019, November - WIOMSA obtains observer status in the Indian Ocean Research Group (IORG)

    The IORA Council of Ministers, in its meeting held in Abu Dhabi, UAE, on 7 November 2019, adopted that the Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association (WIOMSA) be granted Observer Status to IORA and welcomed the interest and participation of WIOMSA in the activities of the Association.

  • 2018

    2018 - WIOMSA’s 25th anniversary

    WIOMSA celebrated its 25th anniversary in 2018. This Silver Jubilee milestone represented a great deal of work and success for WIOMSA.

  • 2018

    2018 - Launch of the Cities and Coasts Project

    WIOMSA cities and coasts programme seeks to answer to the challenges of a sustainable blue economy with a strong focus on the role of planning and coastal settlements on the sustainability of this economy. WIOMSA, with funding from the Government of Sweden, is, therefore, implementing a four-year Cities and Coasts (C&C) Project (2018-2021)

  • 2017,

    2017, June - WIOMSA at UN Conference, 5-9 June, 2017

    WIOMSA at UN Conference was involved in the development of three Voluntary Commitments, was among the organizing partners of two Side Events that took place during the conference and also shared the WIO’s experience in developing innovative solutions in addressing challenges facing management of coastal and marine environments, most of which WIOMSA is either leading, or is an active partner in.

  • 2016

    2016 - Climate Change Strategy for the Western Indian Ocean Region launched

    The Climate Change Strategy for the Western Indian Ocean region is an operational framework to foster regional cooperation in addressing the impacts of climate change by assessing the degree of preparedness and the vulnerability and adaptive options of communities within the Nairobi Convention area. It takes into account the existence of national climate change strategies and complements national actions by encouraging collaborative efforts by States with the aim of sustainably managing marine and coastal ecosystems by enhancing the resilience and adaptive capacities of socio-ecological systems, individually or collectively, in order to maximize resource use, and by avoiding duplication of effort.

  • 2015

    2015 - WIOMSA obtains observer status in UNEA

    In 2015, WIOMSA achieved another milestone through its accreditation with UNEP as a major stakeholder after going through a rigorous review process. Accreditation brings many advantages with respect to participation in the work of UNEP’s Governing Bodies, such as the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA) and its subsidiary bodies. The purpose of accreditation is to provide non-governmental organizations with observer status to the UNEA and its subsidiary bodies according to Rule 70 of the rules of procedure of the UNEA.

  • 2015,

    2015, June - Launch of the Regional State of the Coast Report for the Western Indian Ocean

    The Regional State of Coast Report for the western Indian Ocean (WIO) is the first comprehensive regional synthesis to provide insights into the enormous economic potential around the WIO, the consequential demand for marine ecosystem goods and services to match the increasing human population, the pace and scale of environmental changes taking place in the region and the opportunities to avoid serious degradation in one of the world’s unique and highly biodiverse oceans. The report goes a step further and presents exploratory scenarios and policy analysis to better inform anticipatory planning and management of coastal and marine resources. This report highlights the enormous economic potential and development needs of countries around the WIO and, at the same time, points out the growing natural and anthropogenic pressure imposed on the region coastal and marine environment, and the opportunities to avoid them.

  • 2012,

    2012, March - WIOMSA Trust

    The establishment of the WIOMSA Trust

  • 2011,

    2011, March - Climate change conference

    Regional Conference on “Impacts and adaptation to climate change in the WIO region: Solutions to the Crisis” March, 2011 in Grand Baie, Mauritius.  The Nairobi Convention Secretariat in collaboration with WIOMSA, African Union and the Government of Mauritius organised a regional Conference on “Impacts and adaptation to climate change in the WIO region: Solutions to the Crisis” October 2010 in Grand Baie, Mauritius. Climate change threatens to deepen vulnerabilities, erode hard-won gains, and seriously undermine prospects for Africa achieving the Millennium Development Goals. The conference will deliberate on key climate change issues that Africa needs to address to strengthen its efforts towards the development and implementation of a comprehensive framework of African Climate change programmes and associated sub-regional frameworks and to lay the foundation for low carbon economies.

  • 2007,

    2007, October - Introduction of the WIOMSA Honorary and Fellowship Award

    Introduction of the WIOMSA Honorary and Fellowship Award

  • 2000,

    2000, May - Management and Financial review of WIOMSA

    Management and Financial review of WIOMSA

  • 1997,

    1997, May - 1st WIOMSA Scientific Symposium

    The 1st WIOMSA Scientific Symposium, Mombasa, Kenya in May 1997

  • 1995

    1995 - WIOMSA appoints Dr. Julius Francis as Executive Secretary

    WIOMSA appoints Dr. Julius Francis as Executive Secretary

  • 1995

    1995 - WIOMSA Funding

    The first funding activity and the MASMA programmes

  • 1994

    1994 - WIOMSA registered in Zanzibar

    WIOMSA registered in Zanzibar Tanzania as a non-governmental organization in 1993 and registered in Zanzibar, Tanzania in 1994

  • 1993

    1993 - WIOMSA appoints Dr Magnus Ngoile as the first Executive Secretary

    WIOMSA appoints Dr Magnus Ngoile as the first Executive Secretary

  • 1993

    1993 - Official establishment

    The Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association (WIOMSA) is established as a regional, non-profit, membership organization

  • 1991,

    1991, December - Inaugural WIOMSA meeting

    The inaugural meeting of WIOMSA founding members, Inhaca , Mozambique

  • 1989,

    1989, November - WIOMSA established

    A regional meeting of the marine scientists recommends the  establishment of the regional network of  WIOMSA in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, November 1989

2021, July2020, February2019, November201820182017, June201620152015, June2012, March2011, March2007, October2000, May1997, May199519951994199319931991, December1989, November