Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association

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MASMA Ongoing Projects

Photo Credit: BLUEGRASI Project

Full Details
Assessment of the Ecological Aspects of Microplastic Pollution in Dar Es Salaam, Zanzibar and Mombasa Coastal Marine Environments (MICROMARE) Kenya and Tanzania
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Billfish Interactions, Livelihoods and Linkages for Fisheries sustainability in the Western Indian Ocean (BILLFISH – WIO) Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique, Somalia, South Africa, and Tanzania
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Blue Growth Initiative through Farming of Silver Pompano (Trachinotus blochii) and Rabbit Fish (Siganus sutor) for Food Security and Improved Livelihood in East Africa (BLUEGRASI) Kenya and Tanzania
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Ecosystem based protection of the coastal zone: the effectiveness of seagrass meadows in coastal erosion management Mozambique and Tanzania
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Enabling Sustainable Exploitation of the Coastal Tuna Species (Kawakawa and Skipjack) in the Western Indian Ocean Kenya, Mozambique, South Africa, and Tanzania
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Larval fish production and dispersal in critical habitats of coastal East Africa (FLAPSEA) Kenya and Tanzania
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Optimizing Artemia Production Technology for Sustainable Aquaculture Development (APTSAD), Food Security and Economic Growth for the East African Coastal Communities Kenya and Tanzania
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Slippery resource in peril: Ecology of Western Indian Ocean Anguillid eels and their contribution to sustainable fisheries and livelihood along the East Coast of Africa. Kenya, Mozambique, and South Africa
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WIO-BENTH- Identification, characterization and vulnerability assessment of benthic ecosystems in the WIO Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique, South Africa, and Tanzania
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