WIOMSA is a publisher of the Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Sciences and the WIOMSA Book Series. WIO Journal of Marine Science was established in 2002, is published twice a year both in print and online format. It attracts contributions from prominent scientists from within and outside the region. Since 2006, it has been listed in the Institute of for Scientific Information (ISI) database, an indication of the quality of papers it publishes. Through, its Book Series, WIOMSA publishes books on topical issues.
Further, through its competitive research grant program, grants are provided to support publication of books and manuals. Some of the books that have been published through this mechanism are Poissons de l’océan Indien et de la mer Rouge, Whales and Dolphins; and A Field Guide to Marine Mammals of East Africa – Third Edition.
A number of practitioner/management-relevant guides have been produced in collaboration with partners. These include: Managing Marine Protected Areas. A Toolkit for the Western Indian Ocean (with IUCN); Producing Half-Pearls (Mabe) (University of Hawaii Hilo&CRC/URI); A Guide to milkfish farming in the WIO region (with CRC/URI) and A School Teacher’s Guide to Marine Environmental Education in the
Western Indian Ocean Region (with UNEP and WWF).
Also WIOMSA, in collaboration with its partners, has coordinated the production of Special Issues of journals such as Ambio (2002, Vol. XXXI, No 7-8); Ocean and Coastal Management (2004, Vol. 47, No 7-8; 2006, Vol. 49, No 11& 2010, Vol. 53 No 4); Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science (2005, Vol. 63, No 3 & 2009, Vol 83, No 3); and Aquatic Conservation (2009, Vol. 19 Issue S1).
Popular Publications
WIOMSA’s popular publications aim to provide an avenue for publishing different types of articles on the coastal and marine environment from the countries of the Western Indian Ocean region. The contributors to these publications are not only marine scientists but also other stakeholders in the marine and coastal environment who write to share their well researched stories, views and thinking. These publications include: