Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association

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Mr. Edward Senkondo

General Secretary (Tanzania)


Mr. Edward Senkondo is the Secretary General of the WIO-ECSN and a fisheries research scientist working with Tanzania Fisheries Research Institute (TAFIRI) from 2009 to present. He did his BSc in aquatic environmental sciences and conservation from University of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania and MSc in marine resources management and ecology from Wageningen University and research centre in the Netherlands. He has been successfully working with TAFIRI on different fisheries research projects such as fish stock assessment and fish cage monitoring in Lake Victoria as well as assessment of prawn fisheries in Indian Ocean part of Tanzania. Also Mr Senkondo has been conducting researches on remotely sensing the seasonal variability of chlorophyll-a in Tanzania coastal waters and Spatio-temporal variability of chlorophyll-a off the coast of Tanzania, Mozambique and Comoros Island. Currently, Mr. Senkondo is pursuing a PhD at the National Institute of oceanography in Goa, India where his area of research based on Application of GIS and Satellite remote sensing for operational oceanography with a special focus on management of coastal and marine fisheries resources.