Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association

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Prof. Sébastien Jaquemet

UMR Entropie laboratory, Université de la Réunion


Prof. Sébastien Jaquemet has been relected unopposed to serve his second term as the Reunion Country Coordinator. He holds a PhD from Université de la Réunion and a post-doc from  Rhodes University in South Africa. He is a professor of marine ecology at the UMR Entropie laboratory at Université de la Réunion and since 2016 has served as the scientific coordinator of research on sharks and rays at the Reunion agency for shark risk management (CRA-Requin). His research interest is on the ecology of marine predators, and the impact of human activities on the functioning of oceanic food webs.Sébastien has been a member of WIOMSAsince 2002 and he takes great pride in being part of an association  which has achieved much for the sustainable development of the Western Indian Ocean.

For his second mandate as WIOMSA country coordinator, Sébastien will promote WIOMSA locally to attract more members and to have more people submitting applications to the MASMA program. He also aims to improve hisrole as country coordinator not only for Reunion Island, but for France and the French territories of the Western Indian Ocean to have a broader impact of France and the European Union in the region to support its development and to promote exchanges with other regional institutions and members of WIOMSA.Séb was part of the organising committeeof the 6thWIOMSA Scientific Symposium that took place in Reunion Islandand his goal is to push for the Symposium to return to the Island during his tenure as Country Coordinator.