Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association

Sign up for WIOMSA Membership

Individual and Associate Membership

Individual and Associate Membership

Individual and Associate membership have the following benefits:

  • Eligibility to apply for WIOMSA MASMA, MARG and commissioned Research Programs.
  • Eligibility to be elected to the WIOMSA board, Country Coordinators, Committees and task forces and vote to elect board members.
  • Special rates for the WIOMSA Journal: US150, a savings of US 100 and eligibility to submit abstracts to the Journal.
  • Subsidized Registration fees for WIOMSA Bi annual Symposia and to attend events, courses, seminars and workshops organized by WIOMSA and its partners.
  • Free copies of WIOMSA publications such as Books, News Brief, Calendar, Magazine, Annual Report.
  • Invitations to attend WIOMSA Special events.
  • Use of the WIOMSA logo subject to the governing rules and regulations.
  • Dedicated access by log in password to members only area on the WIOMSA web site.
  • Subsidized advertisement rates in the WIOMSA magazine.
  • 10% discount off on WIOMSA books on Sale.
  • 10% discount on advertisement rates for theWIOMSA Magazine.
  • Invitation to attend WIOMSA and partners special events, courses and workshops.
  • Use of WIOMSA logo according to WIOMSA logo use rules and regulations.
  • Dedicated access by listed members to the members’ only site on the website.
  • Regular updates of WIOMSA activities through being included in the Association’s mailing list

Fee Structure for Individual and Associate Members:

Individual Membership       US $ 50 per year

Associate Membership       US $ 100 per year