The September edition of the quarterly WIOMSA Newsbrief is out. The issue features regional news, articles from WIOMSA’s MARG Grantees and stories from newly minted PhDs. The articles include:
- Managing Non-Academic Impact of Research: Capacity Building for Impact Training held in Mombasa.
- WIOFish Revamped
- Training on Scientific Cruise Planning, Oceanographic Sampling, Fisheries and Data Management.
- MARG Grant: Assessing the vulnerability to future environmental conditions and population structure of the seagrass, Zostera capensis.
- MARG Grant: Fish, Genes & Genomes: Contributions to Ecology, Evolution & Management, the Annual Symposium of the Fisheries Societies of the British Isles, Bangor, Wales, UK.
- PhD Thesis: Resilience of Mangroves in the face of Climate change: A Focus on the Impacts of Large Sedimentation Events.
- PhD Thesis: The Potential of Community Based Coral Aquaculture in Madagascar
- The InteGRADE Workshop
- Strategic Adaptive Management Program (SAM) launched in Seychelles.
- Progress with the proposed marine and coastal Transboundary Conservation Area (TBCA) between Kenya and Tanzania
- New WIOMSA Publications
Download the full issue.