Exercises in Marine Biodiversity and Ecology: A Training Manual using the Intertidal Habitats of the WIO region
The manual has been co-authored by Jose Paula (University of Lisbon); Salomao Bandeira (University of Eduardo Mondlane); Daudi Msangameno (University of Dar es Salaam) and Henrique Queiroga (University of Aveiro). Deriving its […]
Guidelines on Mangrove Ecosystem Restoration for the Western Indian Ocean Region
The Guidelines on Mangrove Ecosystem Restoration for the Western Indian Ocean region, which targets communities, civil society, national agencies, and practitioners involved in mangrove conservation activities, describe a step-by-step approach […]
Adapting to Climate Change and Enhancing Resilience – A guide to building adaptive capacity and resilience to the impacts of climate change in coastal urban areas
This climate change adaptation guide offers political and technical leaders practical guidance on why it is necessary to respond to climate change and how to develop associated adaptation plans and […]